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号房先锋资源在线主演:Zhanel Sergazina Abylai Maratov Omurbek Nurdinov Artykpai Suyundukov,《上帝的来电》是一部优秀的剧情片,主要演员有Zhanel,Sergazina,Abylai,Maratov,Omurbek,Nurdinov,Artykpai,Suyundukov Anticipation of Love has settled in a heart of a young lady. The borders between dream and passion are very elusive. Life is full of physical deprivations and sensual pleasures and the deep meaning of that all is Love of course. The deeper the feeling the more intense emotions. Each girl dreams to meet her love one day. An experienced man is able to help her to discover the world of passion and senses, bring her to the «heaven's gate» where the two of them will prevail. One can only imagine how many hearts were broken along the way to master the science of love. But the passion blinds and soon the man becomes a slave of young sensual body of a woman. The carnal knowledge makes the girl try to subdue her love object. Instant emotions bring pain and suffering to the lovers as well as to their relatives and friends. Will the young heroine manage to meet the expectations of the man she loved and make him happy... become the only one? Who will help her to find the right path? Maybe the mysterious voice on the phone? Or will it be enough just to wake up and realize that that was just a dream, just a dream. Last film by Kim Ki-duk, which he shot in Summer, 2019 in Kyrgyzstan. Film was finished by Kim's friends and colleagues after his unexpected death in December, 2020....

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无人视频在线观看完整版高清中文主演:李秀明 唐国强 赵福余 宝珣,《今夜星光灿烂1980》是一部优秀的剧情片,主要演员有李秀明,唐国强,赵福余,宝珣 1948年冬,淮海战场。电话员小于(黄小雷 饰)在执行任务中救下了准备上吊的农村姑娘玉香(李秀明 饰),玉香无以为报,愿以身相许,并诉说自已无家可归的苦难遭遇。战土们非常同情这个孤苦伶仃的姑娘,便把她留在炊事班帮忙。战斗中,玉香不顾个人安危,冒着敌人的炮火往前沿阵地为战士们送水送饭。通信员小郭(刘继忠 饰)在战斗中牺牲,小于前赴后继冲上前去,用身体接通电话线,保障了我军首长对敌师指挥所强大的政治攻势,最后与敌人同归于尽。小于的牺牲另玉香悲痛万分,而战争的残酷也使她变的更加坚强,卫生员小孙(宝珣 饰)牺牲后,玉香勇敢地接过医药箱,奔向滚滚战争洪流.........


五月播播主演:连凯 李若彤 徐敏 吴樾 戴春荣 郑佩佩 李绮虹 张山,《杨门女将之巧夺凤发》是一部优秀的剧情片,主要演员有连凯,李若彤,徐敏,吴樾,戴春荣,郑佩佩,李绮虹,张山 酒宴中,杨排风(李绮红 饰)突然昏迷倒地,原来,为了救王贵妃,她自己引毒上身,只有辽国独有的“龙须凤发”才能救她的性命,如果无法解毒,杨排风的性命就只剩下短短的一个月了。龙须好取,凤发难求。杨安(连凯 饰)、杨四娘(王渝文 饰)、五娘(宋怡霏 饰)、七娘(孙莉 饰)等人赶往辽国,哪知道碰上了和杨家有仇的萧太后(戴春荣 饰),使得求取凤发变得难上加难。时间一点一滴的流淌,杨排风的性命也在一点一滴的流逝,就在这紧要关头,杨四娘暗中拜见了眼镜公主(岳翎 饰),获得了她的信任和支持,取得凤发一事这才看到了一点成功的希望。...


一二三四高清免费播放视频先锋资源在线主演:未知,《税金马车》是一部优秀的剧情片,主要演员有 讲述了民国时期在狂野西部人性厮杀的环境中,几路不明身份的人为抢夺税金马车占据了一个客栈,客栈女主人和伙计为了生存奋力反抗保护自己客栈的故事。...


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