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7777色风俗媚娘主演:杜奎尔·沙尔曼 Gautham Menon Ritu Varma 拉克申 Niranjani Anish Kuruvilla Tigergarden Thangadurai Krishnakumar Menon,《如果眼睛能偷走彼此》是一部优秀的爱情片,主要演员有杜奎尔·沙尔曼,Gautham,Menon,Ritu,Varma,拉克申,Niranjani,Anish,Kuruvilla,Tigergarden,Thangadurai,Krishnakumar,Menon电影《如果眼睛能偷走彼此》两名狡猾的网络骗子在遇见各自的梦中情人后改过自新,但一个充满欺骗的发现让他们的世界天旋地转...


先锋资源网主演:冯芷墨 刘泯廷,《盲少爷的小女仆2016》是一部优秀的爱情片,主要演员有冯芷墨,刘泯廷女孩阮清恬(冯芷墨 饰)有着十分悲惨的身世,自幼失去了母亲的她过着寄人篱下的生活,继母将她派往名为任浩铭(刘泯延 饰)的总裁身边,成为了照顾他衣食起居的小小助理。任浩铭因为患有眼疾而失去了视力,性格因此格外的暴躁,常常欺负懦弱胆小的阮清恬,在他的手下做事,阮清恬受了不少的气。  然而,随着时间的推移,阮清恬的善良和乐观渐渐化解了任浩铭内心的坚冰,两人相爱了。最终,任浩民接受了眼部手术,重见光明,然而,当她想向阮清恬求婚时,却被阮清恬心机深重的妹妹阮心心(金泊含 饰)捷足先登。不仅如此,任浩铭还将真正的阮清恬误认为是想要插足的第三者。...


五六一电影网主演:王一 张妙儿 于磊 高瑕,《分手木马计》是一部优秀的爱情片,主要演员有王一,张妙儿,于磊,高瑕 在所有纷杂微妙的感情关系中,我们的主人公认为,能揭示出整个爱情真谛的,不是恋爱,而是分手。\r  “70亿人口的世界里,情侣关系,不过是千万种关系中微不足道的一种,却有人把维系它看的比什么都重要,我们的公司就是要打破这种自以为是的‘V关系’,让你摆脱旧爱向前看。简单的讲就是,帮你分手。”这是老板王侃(王一饰)在洽谈“业务”时经常使用的一段开场白。\r  我们是一家专门帮人解决分手问题的公司,由受过情伤,不谈感情只谈钱的公司老板王侃建立,王侃总是说“谈感情多伤钱呐”,所以离婚破产的他,虽然一度陷入绝望,但是他还是准备重新崛起,从此之后,在这繁华的都市里,总能看到他起早贪黑疯狂张贴小广告的身影。\r  至此,深受情伤的王侃,聘任了胸大无脑且有着37家公司黑历史的“剩女”何伊娜(高瑕饰),两人接到的第一个案子就是让青春治愈偶像陈友友(张妙儿饰)和她的明星男友分手,却不料这是一场故意设计的绯闻陷阱……累觉不爱的友友最终加入公司,而同时,在网上伶牙俐齿,在生活中老师木讷的技术宅男虞东坡(于磊饰),也因为是友友的骨灰级粉丝成为了V关系分手公司的一员。\r  分手公司的铁四角正式形成,在“无手不分”的王侃鞭策下,众人各展所长,各施手段,什么过河拆桥、无中生有、借刀杀人,什么设局、色诱、离间……可谓无所不用其极,他们处理了各种匪夷所思的微妙关系,见识了千奇百怪的男男女女,而原本腹黑的分手动机,往往最终收获的却是意想不到的温情结局……...


经典千人斩风俗媚娘主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克 阿道夫·门吉欧 拉尔夫·贝拉米,《禁忌1932》是一部优秀的爱情片,主要演员有芭芭拉·斯坦威克,阿道夫·门吉欧,拉尔夫·贝拉米On an ocean voyage, a librarian falls for a married man. After librarian Lulu Smith is accused by her patrons of having Spring fever, she spends her life savings on a cruise to Havana, during which she begins a romance with Bob Grover, a lawyer with political ambitions. After their return, Lulu becomes a clerical assistant for a newspaper, where she is pursued by brash reporter Al Holland. One night, several months into their affair, Bob comes to Lulu's apartment for dinner, bringing two Halloween masks with which they have a marvelous time playing. Their merriment is interrupted by a call from Al, whose proposal to Lulu prompts Bob to confess that he has an invalid wife whom he cannot leave. Lulu protests that she wishes to continue their affair, but Bob refuses to let her waste her life on him. They squabble, and Lulu throws him out without telling him she is pregnant. Time passes and Bob becomes district attorney, while Al becomes city editor of the newspaper. After Bob hires a detective, Marty, to find Lulu, the couple are reunited and Lulu introduces Bob to his daughter Roberta. Later, Lulu and Roberta are waiting to meet Bob, when Al suddenly appears. He is questioning her about Roberta when Bob arrives, and, in order to protect Bob's reputation, Lulu tells Al that the baby is Bob's adopted daughter and that she is her governess. In order to preserve the charade, Bob does adopt Roberta, taking her home the next day to present to his wife Helen, who is returning from a European rest cure. Helen is delighted with the child but questions Lulu's ability to care for her. Lulu runs out of the house, and when Bob follows her, she tries to tell him she is through with him but cannot. Soon after, Lulu goes to Al for a job and becomes the "advice to the lovelorn" columnist for his paper. Al pumps her for information about Bob and Roberta in order to write a story causing Bob's downfall, but Lulu refuses to say anything. As the years pass, Lulu still works for the paper, and Al, now the managing editor, is still pursuing her. Bob has been both a mayor and a congressman, but on the night he wins the nomination for governor, he becomes disheartened, ashamed of the hypocrisy of his double life. Lulu tries to talk him out of confessing the truth and ruining his career, but when it seems that she cannot succeed, she asks Al to marry her, hoping that will make Bob forget about her. On the night of Bob's election, however, Al tells her that he knows all about her, Bob and Roberta, and Lulu kills him to prevent him from publishing the story. A year later, Bob is on his deathbed, and Lulu, whom he had pardoned after a short jail term, comes to visit him. He shows her his new will, which tells the truth and leaves her half of his estate, but after he dies, she tears it up to protect him and Roberta, who is engaged to a socially prominent young man....


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